Solutions for Spectroscopy, TCSPC & Imaging
IDQ(ID Quantique SA), Detectors
All Products 5
Superconducting Nanowire single-photon detector
공급사 : ID Quantique
Turnkey multi-channel solution with high detection efficiency detectors and timing electronics
- Laser World of Photonics 2022 Innovation Award 수상!
- High system detection efficiency: up to 95%
- Ultra-low noise : < 1 Hz dark count
- Low time jitter : < 30 ps
- Short recovery time and latch-free operation
- Up to 16 built-in detectors
ID Qube NIR Free-Running / Gated
InGaAs/InP single-photon avalanche diodes (III-V SPADs)
공급사 : ID Quantique
900-1700 nm
- 컴팩트하고 경제적인 모듈
- High-efficiency single-photon detection (up to 35%)
- Optimised for free-running operation
- Precise timing (<200 ps jitter, typ. <150 ps)
- Ultra-low noise (<800 Hz dark counts)
- Fast gating (up to 100 MHz and free-running)