Scientific CMOS camera (SCMOS)
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SCMOS Camera
공급사 : Princeton Instruments

Outstanding UV response, 95% 이상의 QE를 자랑하는 SCMOS 카메라의 최강자

  • >95% QE, back-illuminated sCMOS
  • 1.5 e- (rms) read noise
  • High UV sensitivity
  • High speed,  82 fps (12 bits)
  • Large pixels, Full well 80 000 e-

SCMOS Camera
공급사 : Princeton Instruments

High-Performance, Large-Array Cameras for Astronomy

  • Laser Focus World's 2022 Innovators Award 수상!
  • 0.7 e- read noise
  • Up to 50 fps full frame
  • Up to 8k x 8k sensor sizes
  • > 90% quantum efficiency
  • Deep cooled for low dark current

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