RED-Wave-NIRX-SR Spectrometer

Dynamic range  4000 : 1 with 6 decades
Resolving resolution  13nm with 25μm slit
InGaAs Detector  512 or 1024 pixel cooled PDA
Detector range  0.9-2.3μm   (900-2300nm)
Pixel size  25um x 250um
Pixel well depth  130 x108 electrons
Selectable well control  130 x108  or  5 x106 el.
Signal to noise  4000 : 1 with 2x TEC cooling 
Digitizer  16-bit
Dimensions  150 x 100 x 68.8 mm
Power consumption  2 Amps @ 5 VDC
Interface  USB-2 or Wifi(2), RS232(3), SPI(3), 4-20mA(3) , Digital I/O(3) or  ethernet(3 )
Data transfer speed  30Hz or 1000Hz91)
Detector Integration  1 millisecond to 200ms*
Slit size options  25um for optimum performance
Operating systems  Windows and Linux(2),  Andriod(2)2, iOS
Software included  SpectraWiz Program, WinSDK (C,C#,VB, Delphi), Customizable LabVIEW, VBA for Excel (CRI & LED Report)

(1) zAP1 Electronics Upgrade (2) zAP2 Wifi + Applications Processor Upgrade with SpectraWiz Mobile Software (3) SMART-Control Interface
*longer exposure times can decrease signal to noise and dark baseline reference


absorption, transmission, and laser measurement

InGaAs Model Pixel Spectrometer  
Range (nm)


Range (nm)
Estimated Resolving Resolution
NIRX-SR 512 900-2300 300 1400nm 5.3 <13nm
NIRX-SR 1024 900-2300 600 1400nm 2.7 <7nm
RED-Wave-NIRX 512 1500-2200 300 700nm 1.367 2.8nm
RED-Wave-NIRX 1024 1500-2200 600 700nm 0.683 1.4nm

경기도 하남시 조정대로 150 하남지식산업센터(ITECO) 그린존 O213호
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